Thursday, December 22, 2005

What's Wrong with This Picture?

Far be it from Hellena to tell people what they can use as the image on their Christmas cards, but doesn't it seem a bit odd for the Southern Baptist Convention to use a picture of the Supreme Court building?

Richard Land, who has served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission since 1988, claims there is no political intent in the choice.


In fact, after visiting Dr. Land's web site, it seems pretty obvious to Hellena that Dr. Land's entire existance involves the interaction of politics and religion.

In his latest book, Imagine! A God-Blessed America (Broadman & Holman, 2005), Dr. Land encourages readers to envision an America where more Christians are radical change agents who reflect Christ, not culture, and where people are liberated from the cult of self and instead committed to the common good. Dr. Land has also recently authored Real Homeland Security (Broadman & Holman, 2004).

Dr. Land is also Executive Editor of Faith & Family Values, a national magazine dedicated to coverage of traditional religious values, Christian ethics, and cultural trends.

Dr. Land, if you don't mind, Hellena would like to have a word with you.....

Dr. Land,

If you and your organization cannot be content with your tax-free status and keep your religion out of politics, then Hellena would like to suggest that your church give up it's tax-free status. Hellena believes this would bring you and your flock out of the "cult of self" and allow more money to be committed to the common good. Instead of palatial churches, homes, and expensive stages from where your sermons are given, Hellena would like to suggest that you and your brethern choose to leave a few 1,000' square feet off your homes, fly economy, and buy cheaper pews so you can spend more of the money you collect to help those in need - you know, like Jesus would.

Worship whatever version of the Bible you wish, but please understand that this is a large country, with millions of people from every conceivable religious & social background you can imagine. Never, in your lifetime, or anyone else's, are we all going to be reborn again as fundamental Southern Baptists. See, the REAL challenge here is not for you to convert all of us, but for you to learn how to play well with others and accept as Americans, we all have the same inalienable rights as you.

We all have the right to freedom of religion. Though this may not be your vision, it was the vision of our founding fathers.

Happy Holidays to you, Dr. Land.
Hellena Handbasket

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