Monday, March 06, 2006

Hell Hath a Special Place Reserved....

... for anyone rat bastard enough to steal some kid's prosthetic legs. Holy crap, what sort of inbred, booger-picker breaks into a 16 year old's room, takes her legs (on Valentine's Day no less), and then graffitis all over them before returning them nearly a month later. Oh, and if that is not hard enough to believe, this was the second time some neanderthal purloined this young lady's leg.

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Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker said...

Clearly, it was God's will that this person lose her limbs. Those who construct prosthetics are blatantly "playing God," and so the martyrs who defaced the offending appendages were merely doing God's work.

Frank Partisan said...

I found this blog surfing.

That's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why you are blaming this on Neanderthals. Historical evidence shows that Neanderthals took good care of disabled people. See

Judy Gex said...

Ah, Hellena finds she must apologize to all self respecting, upstanding (ha!) neanderthals everywhere. Apparently the thieves were just your everyday, house variety asshole(s).